Monday, August 29, 2011

Linux alternatives for Windows applications

Looking for Linux alternatives to Windows software? here is a list of common windows applications and their alternative in Linux
Adobe Acrobat Reader  - document viewer , okular , ePDFView
Adobe Photoshop  - Gimp
Daemon tool - Gmount iso
google talk - Pidgin
Microsoft Excel - spreadsheet , kspread
Microsoft Internet Explorer  - Firefox , Opera
Microsoft Office  - Open Office , Libreoffice
Microsoft powerpoint - presentation
Microsoft Word  - Open Office writer , Abi word
Nero Burning Rom - Brasero , K3B
Notepad - Gedit , kwrite
Picasa - F-spot , Digikam
Turbo c++ - bluefish editor
uTorrent - Transmission
video converter - winff
VMware -virtual box
Winamp  - Rhythmbox , XMMS ,Amarok ,audacious
Windows Media Player - VLC, totem ,smplayer , xine
Windows Movie Maker  - avidemux , openshot , PiTiVi
Winrar - unrar
3D studio max - Blender

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